welcome text

welcome to my blog for the GSF
I have made reading different parts of the story easier I hope
for to read the written story click on the GSF tab I have compiled all GSF on that page
to read the comics click on the GSFC tab I have compiled all the GSFC on that page
i hope you enjoy my work and as always each thing will continue to get their own post on the blog main page

Sunday, September 11, 2011


it's 9/11 today
the day where 10 years ago 19 terrorists killed a total of 3,497 people
  • 2,735 civilians in the World Trade Center died 
  • 87 passengers and crew members aboard American Airlines Flight 11 that hit the North Tower
  • 60 passengers and crew aboard United Flight 175 that hit the South Tower
  • 343 New York City firefighters and rescue workers and 23 New York City law enforcement officers, 47 Port Authority workers and 37 Port Authority Police Officers, lost their lives when they rushed in to save the victims in the World Trade Center
  • 36 passengers and crew aboard United Flight 93, who gave their lives stopping four hijackers over Pennsylvania 
  • 64 passengers and crew aboard American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon, killing them and 125 people in the building.
and not only did Americans die but 327 foreign nationals did too 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

GSFC 3-1

yeah i realize this has almost nothing to do with the series but still it's a new comic