welcome text

welcome to my blog for the GSF
I have made reading different parts of the story easier I hope
for to read the written story click on the GSF tab I have compiled all GSF on that page
to read the comics click on the GSFC tab I have compiled all the GSFC on that page
i hope you enjoy my work and as always each thing will continue to get their own post on the blog main page

Saturday, August 25, 2012

new comic

sorry that it took so long and the zombie thing is going to be pushed back some

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

hiatus comming

hiatus is now coming
if you want to know what's the cause is simple my hard drive (i have been told from the guy at the tech desk) is failing which explains why the computer has been so slow and it means i'm going to have to send it in for a replacement hard drive
well it's time for me to collect all the GSF data and any other data i want saved to a external drive

Thursday, June 14, 2012

a viper's diary

well i know i have been delaying a lot and for some reason i felt like writing a short story from a vipers perspective granted i may have like 5 different vipers writing these things

A cobra vipers diary 1 ”GSF short tail”
Cobra viper 20439
                July 3, 2019
yesterday at a rally the cobra commander told us that we would retake what is rightfully ours,  on July 4, he said we shall make our move, which now I’m not sure what I’m doing at first I thought this was just a simple job, but was wrong, as right after training was completed, I was told that I am now viper #20439, and that was my new name, just a number, and also told if I ran they would kill me slowly and painfully, it’s not that I fear death no viper fears death, but I know somehow I will escape this prison, there has to be a way to get my old name back……. What was it…. It’s been so long sense I last thought about it, 4 years training just waiting knowing even if I got out I had nowhere to go, i would end up back on the streets. man if they ever found this diary I would be so fucked, cause even thinking about leaving,  let alone writing about leaving, is considered treason and yet I feel if they did catch me, well I guess there would be nothing I could do
ah I remember what my name was now it was matt divvy  not sure why I felt like writing about it today just kinda felt like it
well I better get this thing hidden and get back to the mess hall before they get suspicious or end dinner
well that is one of the few positive things, they serve hot meals here
well bye sincerely 20439

Monday, May 28, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012


well the links page has been updated with links going to other peoples sites and to various locations

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dr. Triclosan

Dr. Triclosan
Iron grenadiers head scientist
Birthplace: unknown
Primary: chemical weapon designer
Secondary: demolitions
since he has joined the Iron grenadiers,with his vast knowledge of chemical warfare, soon after joining he became the head of his own research team that was developing new chemical weapons to use against their enemies.
Recently one of his projects was a compound that strengthens armor, for temporary periods of time

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


for those who haven't noticed the picture page need updating cause google changed all the IMG urls though anything hosted on DA is just fine

so anyways here is pic to entertain  you all

Friday, February 24, 2012


new page "links"
available links
Hisstank GSF thread
Hisstank GSFC thread
The Fighting 1:18th GSF thread
The Fighting 1:18th GSFC thread

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

frist question asked over at tumblr

yes for you slowpokes i will do a informal Q&A over at tumblr
and somebody actually pays attention to the details
anonymous-"so in the prologue it states "he died after he broke his cyanide tooth and swallowed it" but in the short story bit you state "who took cyanide and shot himself in the head" so are there more than one serpentor or did you forget about that little detail?"
my response 
 "well anon, to tell you the truth i did forget that detail and i did state it was semi-canonical but i guess there is going to be more than one serpentor if i ever work that detail into the storyline

the only reason i really wrote the bit was because i saw this one  picture that was done by alexiuss (and link to the picture(because it’s not mine) http://alexiuss.deviantart.com/art/Corporotopia-BILLS-of-INTERNET-DOOM-284594556) and it inspired me to write the short story

and spread the word we can’t let the corporations take control of the internet and that’s what my story was about i hope you all enjoyed reading it and will ask some more questions in the future and the next comic is coming soon i have a few of the panels done so far"

got a question or want to complain about something
ask it here

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


happy Single Awarness Day :D

and i guess it's also st.valentine's day
but meh(if you haven't guessed already i don't care about st. valentine's day very much)

also nobody has used the ask funtion i set up over at my tumblr or anything over there yet

update i decided to change the url for my tumblr so now it's http://the-green-shirt-files.tumblr.com/

Sunday, February 12, 2012

History lesson on World war III(short/side story bit)(semi-canonical)

                Back in 2013 World war 3 the last of the major wars to be fought started to finally come to a close when it was discovered that cobra attempted to censor the internet with the bills SOPA, ACTA, PROTECT IP, HR 1981, C-11 and a few others though each one failed. Even though the bills failed it gave rise to suspicions from the president of the United States and he ordered a secret investigation to be started by the CIA. After the investigation by the CIA it was discovered cobra was using dummy companies to get these bills started in the various countries that the bills started in worldwide and it was also discovered that cobra funded the Taliban to attack the US way back in 2001. After finding this out he called in GIJoe to prepare raid Cobra Island and bring in cobra’s head command in for trial for crimes against humanity and to close cobra down before they did anything else to try to isolate the world any further. But before sending in GIJoe he had to find cobra’s other strong holds and destroy them so that cobra has nowhere to run. After locating these strongholds and holding a secret meeting of the world’s superpowers and informing them of these plan and getting their support the raids to close down cobra began until it was time for the final assault on cobra island with the world(for once) having a common goal worked together to capture cobra island and though they failed to capture cobra commander who jumped off a cliff to his own doom and serpentor who took cyanide and shot himself in the head, they captured the rest of cobra’s high command. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

ask page

well i now have a ask page set up over at my tumblr now
right now i allow you to be anonymous but abuse that and i'll turn that off so behave
ask me something

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


yup i'm going back to collage today
just felt like announcing it because this could cause delays 
but the next comic's photo shoot is done and is being edited so i'll have it hopefully done before the month is over

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


fresh off the presses brand new comic for you all to enjoy
and i will try to get at least once a month a new comic out