welcome text

welcome to my blog for the GSF
I have made reading different parts of the story easier I hope
for to read the written story click on the GSF tab I have compiled all GSF on that page
to read the comics click on the GSFC tab I have compiled all the GSFC on that page
i hope you enjoy my work and as always each thing will continue to get their own post on the blog main page

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

frist question asked over at tumblr

yes for you slowpokes i will do a informal Q&A over at tumblr
and somebody actually pays attention to the details
anonymous-"so in the prologue it states "he died after he broke his cyanide tooth and swallowed it" but in the short story bit you state "who took cyanide and shot himself in the head" so are there more than one serpentor or did you forget about that little detail?"
my response 
 "well anon, to tell you the truth i did forget that detail and i did state it was semi-canonical but i guess there is going to be more than one serpentor if i ever work that detail into the storyline

the only reason i really wrote the bit was because i saw this one  picture that was done by alexiuss (and link to the picture(because it’s not mine) http://alexiuss.deviantart.com/art/Corporotopia-BILLS-of-INTERNET-DOOM-284594556) and it inspired me to write the short story

and spread the word we can’t let the corporations take control of the internet and that’s what my story was about i hope you all enjoyed reading it and will ask some more questions in the future and the next comic is coming soon i have a few of the panels done so far"

got a question or want to complain about something
ask it here